warm city hot art
Warm City Hot Art is a series of cultural projects to bring the Chinese speaking audience to the local art scene in Metro Vancouver. Chinese speaking communities have been active in real estate, technology, and other business sectors, but their presence in the art scene is disproportionately limited. This is in part due to the lack of language skills and cultural barriers, and in part due to business minded mentality and other social values. As a practice of cultural activism for a better community, Warm City Hot Art facilitates the access for the Chinese speakers , especially the new comers, to the local art activities, cultural events, and other art-related communications, and cultivating the passion to explore the wonderful arts and understand different values.
溫城熱藝是一種理想、是一個非贏利的小組織、是一種科普, 是一種便民服務。我們以自己微薄之力,幫助華人較深入地了解華人之外的溫哥華社會文化,給中文觀眾解釋本地的文化現象。有些華人同胞由於語言障礙以及文化差異的原因,較少瞭解和參與本地的文化活動。幫助這些喜歡文化、有好奇心的人,就是溫城熱藝要做的事情。我們希望做一座小小的橋梁。在學術和文藝領域,掌握話語權的一些人士以經講經,讓普通人聽不懂,這是很常見的。而真誠地講述文化卻不多。在我們這裏,我們要回歸文化藝術的本真,講真話,講實話,把文化現象講清楚。溫城熱藝主要包括YouTube視頻頻道,另外也有深度文章,也有選擇提供溫哥華地區的文化藝術資訊,有時還會組織藝術導覽活動。