影星溫哥華抵制能源公司 (Jane Fonda at Vacnouver)

77歲的國際知名影星珍芳達(Jane Fonda)周六在溫市傑里科海灘(Jericho Beach),參與加拿大綠色和平組織(Greenpeace Canada),為抵制國際能源大公司而舉辦的藝術表演及環保活動。她表示與卑詩原住民一起,與輸油管道及油輪鬥爭。此舉得到許多在場民眾的歡呼。她還回答了我通過電子郵件的幾個問題。


77歲的國際知名影星珍芳達(Jane Fonda)周六在溫市傑里科海灘(Jericho Beach),參與加拿大綠色和平組織(Greenpeace Canada),為抵制國際能源大公司而舉辦的藝術表演及環保活動。她表示與卑詩原住民一起,與輸油管道及油輪鬥爭。此舉得到許多在場民眾的歡呼。她還回答了我通過電子郵件的幾個問題。

加拿大綠色和平組織活動名為「向海岸乾杯」(toast the coast),由周六下午4時起至黃昏結束,活動包括現場音樂表演、環境主題公眾演說,及環境訊息諮詢等,目的是慶祝加西海岸的美麗,抵制大公司石油開發、輸油管道,倡保護自然環境。因為珍芳達的到來,現場多了一不少年齡較大的市民,到現場為她歡呼。講完後,她還走下沙灘,與媒體交談,引起不少圍觀。77歲的她,顯得很有神彩,精力充沛。



在沙灘上被媒體及觀眾圍觀。 GLOBAL電視圖片
在沙灘上被媒體及觀眾圍觀。 GLOBAL電視圖片


加拿大綠色和平組織行政總裁克爾(Joanna Kerr)表示,像蜆殼石油公司對石油的貪婪,將加劇全球氣候變化,對人類後代造成影響。他對珍芳達到來支持,感到榮幸。


Why is taking action against corporate plundering and profiteering important to you?

Big oil is threatening our right to clean air, water and a sustainable future. The short sighted actions of corporations in the name of profit is putting everything we know, love and need at great risk. 
As a grandmother, I want my grandchildren to not only have the same beautiful, bountiful world that I’ve had the privilege of enjoying, but also be able to say that their grandmother was on the right side of the issue, fighting for their futures and their children’s futures. That is why I’m in Vancouver for Toast the Coast happening tomorrow at 4pm at Jericho Beach.
What do you think the average person can do here in BC to stop the corporate encroachment of the environment?
There’s a lot you can do, but the most important thing is that you do something. Every voice added to the issue makes our impact that much stronger. 
We all must do our part to say SHELL NO and stop big oil in its disastrous tracks; it is PEOPLE vs. OIL, it is LIFE vs OIL
Do you hope to see more celebrities to follow your footsteps to 

​ad​vocate against oil extraction projects like what Shell will be doing?
​Of course. ​

The US Department of Interior says there’s a 75% chance of an oil spill

​ if everything continues as planned. That’s a 75% chance of ​an entire way of life being destroyed. If we say nothing it falls on us.
I would hope that everyone who’s voice has power takes full advantage. We have been granted an opportunity to make a difference, to not use our very loud voices for good would be a tragedy and an embarrassment.